Mittwoch, 3. November 2004
The first blogged election
They came, they saw, they blogged. Across the nation, an army of amateur pundits descended on polling places, looked around, then raced to their keyboards to share their impressions with the world as voting began in what's been called the first blogged election. But with the polls closed - and network anchors, stung by the fiasco of 2000, showing unusual caution - the usually loquacious bloggers found themselves with little to say. They were as much in the dark as the rest of us: Vote counts were delayed by what appeared to be a record turnout, and "too close to call" became the mantra of the moment. Meint der Staff Writer vom "Philly Inquirer". Naja... ... Link
Buzzmachine makes the difference
Zur Debatte um Geschwindikeit, Media-Coverage in Blogs und die Veröffentlichung von exit polls, mein quote of the day: Jeff Jarvis: I promise to... Support the President, even if I didn't vote for him..... Criticize the President, even if I did vote for him..... Uphold standards of civilized discourse in blogs and in media while pushing both to be better.... Unite as a nation, putting country over party, as we work together to make America better. Siehe auch: Jeff Jarvis, Journalisten und Blogger ... Link
Keine Nacht der Blogger
Die Polls (Beispiel für den Schneeballeffekt) auf den amerikanischen Weblogs zur US-Wahl sind gestern total daneben gelegen. Alle waren sie so sicher, Kerry würde gewinnen (die ARD übrigens auch, muss man fairerweise dazu sagen). Einmal mehr hat sich journalistisch bestätigt: speed kills - und zwar den, der dem Geschwindigkeitsparadigma folgt. Meine Mutmaßungen zum Thema Blog und Publizität haben sie - leider - bestätigt. Sullivan kratzt die Kurve durch staatsmännisches Getue... quote: President Bush is narrowly re-elected. It was a wild day with the biggest black eyes for exit pollsters. I wanted Kerry to win. I believed he'd be more able to unite the country at home, more fiscally conservative, more socially inclusive, and better able to rally the world in a more focused war on terror. But a slim majority of Americans disagreed. And I'm a big believer in the deep wisdom of the American people. They voted in huge numbers, and they made a judgment. Not a huge and decisive victory by any means. But at least a victory that is unlikely to be challenged. The president and his aides deserve congratulations. And so, I think, does Senator Kerry, whose campaign exceeded the low expectations of many of us. ... Link |
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